The older I get the more connected I feel to the natural world, but the less connected I feel to other humans. If you have read my blog ‘Our Earth’, then you will know how passionate I am about our natural world and how tragic it is that we are killing it bit by bit. This is why I find myself feeling anger and disappointment towards those in charge and people around me that just don’t seem to give a shit.
I have become a lot less ‘generous’ with those who suck the life out of me. I have a lot of love and care to give and I will always give it out to those who deserve it. But sometimes you have to make those choices to let a friendship go, break up from a toxic relationship or perhaps move jobs. Whatever it takes to cut that negativity from your life and spend your time being happy and more connected to the world is worth doing.
I have spent the last year getting to know more about the natural world than I ever did when I was younger and to be honest I wish I had cared sooner. Our time is limited on this earth and I want to get as much from life as I possibly can and a great way to do this is to get connected! Not on your phone, not on the internet, but to the natural world around you. That is where the true beauty and joy lives.
With this in mind, I have written what I believe to be 5 crucial ways to get connected and stay connected.
1 – Cut out the bad stuff in your life
It is human nature to want to help others, be loyal, and help our fellow humans through dark times. But sometimes you will end up damaging yourself more in the process if the person you are trying to help just won’t accept it. It can be very tiring and emotionally draining giving your all to someone and getting nothing back.
If you are stuck in a relationship you know in your gut is not right for you but you daren’t hurt someone by leaving, if you are friends with someone you have perhaps seen another side to and actually you don’t believe in their morals anymore, or if you are always giving up your time for someone who abuses your good nature… STOP. There is nothing worse than losing faith in people and in the world around you because you are stuck with negative people drowning you and taking all the love that you have to give. The world is much clearer place when you surround yourself with those who bring light to your life and not darkness.
People are good. You just need to be with the right ones.
2 – Do your research, be aware, and be good to the earth
It is crucial to understand the world around you, even when it comes to what is happening with politics and war. Yes it can all be biased information, and yes it can be propaganda, but it is important to know what is going on around the world. Just don’t let yourself get lost within it. Keep your feet on the ground and remember who you are and what you believe in. Don’t be led by others, but be aware of which side you stand on. Do you research on the natural world, climate change, space and time, your body and mind, and everything in-between.
Knowledge is power! And if you discover something new, something unbelievable or something beautiful, share it with the world.
3 – Self-worth and self-love is crucial
This is something I know we all suffer with sometimes; not giving ourselves enough care and enough love. We put our bodies through an awful lot – drinking, smoking, eating too much sugar, eating too much fat, taking drugs and countless medicine… the list goes on! It actually scares me sometimes when I think about the damage we are doing to ourselves. Now I want to be clear here, I am not saying not to go out and have fun and have some drinks etc. but you should know your limits and don’t abuse your body. I am guilty of this I know! But recently I have started listening to my body a whole lot more and I am still working on that.
Self-control is a big one for me, being able to stop and say no is such a challenge, even with food! I found meditation really helped me understand my mind more, and now I just need to get a grip on my physical being.
Go to the gym, go walking, eat well, take breaks from alcohol etc. and try to enjoy yourself as a person without the need to cloud it with any form of substances.
4 – Communication is the key
Communication is something we practice every day. It develops trust, builds relationships and forms valuable bonds. It allows us to express our frustrations, our concerns and share our successes with our friends and loved ones. Without clear, consistent communication, we leave ourselves open to mistakes and negative relationships.
I have a theory about communication that I would like to share with you here;
Every time you communicate with another person - whether they be a stranger on the bus, a client on the phone, or a friend on a night out - that is one more person whom you have connected with; one more moment of bonding between two people on this earth. The more we communicate and bond with one another, the greater the understanding we have of each other and the world around us.
If you think about the amount of people that pass us by day by day that we have no connection with or no understanding of, it’s quite shocking! We could be missing out on so much! Everyone has their own story to tell, their own pockets of wisdom and their own connections to the world. We should be encouraged to open up more and share with each other.
Make new connections whenever you can! Crack a joke with a stranger on the train, speak to the old lady in the shop, reach out to a friend you’ve not spoken to in ages! You never know what you will find.
5 – Explore the world. Don’t be shut in a box
This one is possibly the most important when it comes to feeling connected to the world and to yourself. You must get out there and explore! Don’t become a creature of habit! There are plenty of places to go where you will find beauty and wonder. You don’t have to leave the country if you don’t want to, but just getting out for a walk in your local forest or park can help like wonders.
I am lucky enough to live near the Peak District which I just love! It played a huge part in making the decision to live in Sheffield and it’s absolutely stunning no matter the weather. But also from travelling further afield to places like Cambodia and Bali, I can honestly say that those places have left me scarred; scarred with love and wonder for this world and its beauty. Every step you take and every corner you turn can lead to something new and wondrous.
You must take it all in, open your eyes and enjoy the beauty around you, it is always there, you just need to get out there and find it!