When we leave our life, where do we ever truly go?
Every time I think of you, I feel your never ending glow.
You never truly left, you are always here with me,
Like the ocean tides and the light that flickers,
You are here with me as a sea of shimmers.
I think of you when the sun comes up,
I think of you when the moon shows his face,
You are here with me between all that is time and space.
For every flower that blooms, for every tree that grows,
You are a part of this world and that I do know.
You left, but you are still here,
You left, and I will always shed a tear.
But I know you are looking down on me, on us,
I know you are smiling up there thinking of all the fuss.
A life that is lost is one to remember,
A personality and a face that will live forever.
A memory that lasts, an image to never let go of,
You are the dolphins in the sea and you are flying high like a dove.
I promise to never forget you, my very special love.